You're invited!

✨ Brazen Coaching Party ✨

+ Brazen Breakthrough Info Session!

In this free Brazen Coaching Party + Info session, I will coach on all questions-- Dating apps, in-person dating, dating mindset, whatever's on your heart and brain.

You'll also get an inside look at my signature course, The Brazen Breakthrough!

AND afterwards you'll get the recording + a copy of my powerful Relationship Reflection Guide.

This is for badass, feminist humans who are ready to attract the right partner on their terms. With more joy and self-trust along the way.

Thursday, December 15th at 6pm EST

Save your spot!


This Training + Party is def for you if…

  • You have tried restarting your dating life again and again… but dating apps are terrible and only lead to anxiety, bad dates and burn out. 
  • Everyone else’s dating advice is (unfortunately) trash… Your therapist has never been on a dating app, your friends just want to swipe for you, and the thought of going to a matchmaker is wayyy too Bravo-reality-show.
  • Most of your friends are partnered, and they don’t get your dating struggle. You sometimes wonder why it happened so easily for them and why it hasn’t come so easily for you. 
  • You KNOW you are whole, with or without a partner. And you also want more. There's major cognitive dissonance fighting the patriarchy AND wanting to find love... "Can both exist?" (answer: yes.)

If even one of those hits close to home, this virtual Brazen Coaching Party will change what is possible in your love life this year.

Save your seat here!